
Ong namo guru dev namo pronunciation
Ong namo guru dev namo pronunciation

ong namo guru dev namo pronunciation

TUNING IN IS ESSENTIAL PRANAYAM KUNDALINI YOGA KRIYA MANTRA MEDITATION RELAXATION CLOSE WITH LONG TIME SUN SHINE SONG PRAYER TO END POINTS TO REMEMBER In every class mention our Teacher, Yogi Bhajan, with appreciation and gratitude. I am not a woman, I am not a man, I am not a person, I am not myself, I am a Teacher. Remind yourself to take the Teacher s Oath before every class. THE TEACHINGS OF YOGI BHAJAN Shakti Parwha Kaur Khalsa Tool Kit for Teaching Beginners ģ BASIC COMPONENTS OF EVERY CLASS A TEACHER S ATTITUDE AND INTENTION: A Teacher teaches with his/her psyche. IF YOU CANNOT PRACTICE SHUNIYA, YOU CANNOT BE A TEACHER OF KUNDALINI YOGA. Shakti Parwha Kaur Khalsa THE FIRST PRINCIPLE OF A TEACHER IS I AM NOT.

#Ong namo guru dev namo pronunciation series

(I also try to introduce them to the Aquarian Sadhana mantras.) My purpose in preparing this Tool Kit is to provide a teacher friendly, organized presentation of a basic Beginners Series to get you started.

ong namo guru dev namo pronunciation

Just remember to Keep it Simple! As you gain experience in teaching, you may choose different sets of exercises or use different mantras. With Kundalini Yoga Sadhana Guidelines, 2 nd Edition, and my book, Kundalini Yoga: The Flow of Eternal Power, and your Aquarian Teacher Manuals, you have everything you need to teach beginners. In this manual, I have outlined and packaged the contents of each class in the series so that you can use it as the basis for your own Beginners Series. Over the years I ve found that what works best for me and the students is to introduce people to Kundalini Yoga through a series of six classes. Much of this material can be found in Kundalini Yoga: The Flow of Eternal Power, the book he directed me to write. The basic, fundamental information that Yogi Bhajan gave us about the 3HO way of life, the yogic tidbits, the meditations, mantras, and exercise sets and kriyas he taught in that first year are what I have continued to teach in my Beginners Series. I relied heavily on the notes I had taken during his classes (most of my notes were incorporated later into Sadhana Guidelines ), and I relied even more heavily on the connection with the Infinite Wisdom created by chanting the Adi Mantra, Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo. I was privileged to attend his classes every evening and two mornings every week. He taught twice a day, six days a week and one class on Sunday. Yogi Bhajan He made everything so simple, explained things so clearly, and made each class so much fun, that students flocked to his classes. I have not come to gain disciples, I ve come to train teachers. Kundalini Yoga opened up a whole new world, even for those who had practiced other forms of yoga. He was the first Master ever to freely and openly teach this sacred science. Shakti Parwha Kaur Khalsa Tool Kit for Teaching Beginners Ģ INTRODUCTION We were all beginners in 1969, when Yogi Bhajan started teaching Kundalini Yoga, the Yoga of Awareness, in the United States. Please do not reproduce them without written permission from the publisher or author. Those pages that are not designated as Handouts are protected by copyright. To assist you in your teaching, specific pages have been designated as Handouts and permission is granted to copy them for class use. 1 TOOL KIT FOR TEACHING BEGINNERS SHAKTI PARWHA KAUR KHALSA Tool Kit for Teaching Beginners is a resource for every teacher of Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan.

Ong namo guru dev namo pronunciation